
「お前も食べるか? あいにく焼きすぎでいまいちだが」
「まだ全然傷がふさがってないように見えるけど、大丈夫なの? 血がにじんでる」
「それならいいけどね、入院直後くらいはおとなしくしてくれる? 病院から泣きつかれて飛んできたのよ」
「? なんだ、シェパード」
 両手でつかまれると肉が持ちにくい。食べるのを止めたいわけでもなさそうなのに、どうした。不思議に思っていると、シェパードはうつむいたまま、しばらくそうしていた。それから顔を上げる――どうした?? なんで泣いてる??
「トゥーリアン? あー、レックスが何か言ってたやつか」
 詳しくは知らないが、トゥーリアンのプライマークが持ち込んだごたごたか? 俺は鼻を鳴らした。
「任務はやり遂げたのか? まさか死んでそのまま終わりじゃないだろうな、いくらなまちょろトゥーリアンでも」
「お前がしょげるなんてらしくない。人間はそんなに繊細なのか? 少なくともコレクター基地に突っ込んだお前はもっと勇敢だったぞ、しっかりしろ」
「ハ! わかったわグラント、ありがたく頂戴するわ。……ありがとう」

When I woke up, my stomach made a loud noise.
“I’m hungry. Give me something to eat.”
Amidst the hustle and bustle around me, said something about not being able to eat solid food yet, and it was all gibberish to me. So, I tore off the cables sticking to my arm and tried to get out of bed. Finally, they brought a lump of meat. It was overcooked and tough, but it would do. As I chewed away, driving off the noisy bunch,
“Grunt. You seem energetic for someone who’s hospitalized; I can smell it from outside.”
This time it was Shepard who came. This gal’s good; she helps kill time. I tore into the meat with gusto.
“Do you want some too? It’s a bit overcooked, but not too bad.”
I tried offering it, but she politely declined. What’s with that? Shepard sat down and crossed her arms. Then she continued.
“Your wounds don’t seem to have healed at all yet. Are you okay? You’re bleeding.”
“This is nothing compared to what a krogan would consider a scratch. It’s no big deal.”
“That’s good to hear, but could you please be quiet and rest a bit? I had to fly here because the hospital cried to me for help.”
“They didn’t feed me. If they had brought Varren’s roast from the start, I wouldn’t have complained.”
“I doubt they’re prepared to feed a critically injured patient oversized chunks of meat… honestly.”
Shepard laughed. Then, her expression suddenly darkened, and she fell silent. What’s wrong? If it’s not hunger, could it be stomach trouble? I was about to ask when…
She called my name and grabbed my arm tightly. First the right, then add the left, almost like she was praying, bowed her head.
“What’s up, Shepard?”
It’s hard to hold onto the meat with my hand grabbed like this. She didn’t seem like she wanted to stop eating, so what’s going on? Puzzled, I watched as Shepard remained bowed for a while. Then she looked up – what’s wrong? She is weeping.
“Is your stomach hurting? Why are you crying?”
I didn’t understand. Wiping away the tears from her face with my meat-juice-stained hand, Shepard laughed through her tears.
“I’m just glad you came back then… glad you’re alive. I just thought about it again. Before that, there were Turians who sacrificed themselves on the mission.”
“Turians? Ah, the ones Wrex mentioned something.”
I didn’t know the details, but was it the mess the Turian Primarch brought with him? I snorted.
“Did they accomplish the mission? They didn’t just die and leave it unfinished? Even if They’re just a half-baked Turian.”
“No, they carried it out admirably…succeeded. They bet their lives. Admirably.”
Shepard’s grip tightened. I noticed her voice was trembling. Something seemed off. I reluctantly put the meat on the plate and faced Shepard.
“What’s wrong, Shepard? What’s bothering you? Not suddenly having cold feet, are you?”
“I’m not getting cold feet… but, yeah. I’m a bit tired.”
Shepard smiled, but her face looked strained. Yeah, she definitely looked tired.
“Eat well and rest well, and you’ll get better. Are you doing it properly?”
“I can’t do it as well as a krogan… no, but, yeah. I am. Like you, I have to be energetic.”
Like handling a baby, Shepard stroked my arm, then let go. Taking a deep breath, she said,
“You know, I was really relieved when you came back from the Rachni cave. Now, seeing you energetic again… almost too energetic… I’m happy. Grunt.”
“That’s a soft thing to say. With that attitude, how will you kick those Reapers out of the galaxy?”
Come on, Shepard, cheer up. This time, I grabbed her slender arm and shook her up and down.
“It’s not like you to get down. Are humans that delicate? At least when you charged into the Collector base, you were braver. Pull yourself together.”
“Yeah, sure, I guess, Grunt, okay, you’re shaking me too hard, let go.”
Now she’s smiling properly. Okay, are you feeling better now, Shepard?
“I guess you should eat this. I’ll share it with you, so eat up, Shepard.”
“If you insist, Grunt, I’ll graciously accept. Thank you.”
Now Shepard burst into laughter. What’s with the sudden change, busy gal? Humans should just focus on kicking the enemy out instead of getting all confused about what they’re thinking.